Infinite Math

Because we all faced problems in solving Math sums which requires logical thinking, we assume it is "logical thinking" only that makes this subject tough. In reality, it has a crime partner. He always sneaks out under bushes and never gets caught, just like every real life criminals. His name is "Infinite syllabus". The Syllabus for Math is infinite. Here's how
In class 12, for example, sums can be asked from topics of class 9th, 10th or 11th. Even though these topics are not part of 12th syllabus. sums, for example, can be asked based on "circles", which you studied in 10th, though it was not part of your 12th syllabus. And the argument supporting this crime partner is- Oh! you studied these in class 10 so you should remember it in class 12. Yah! I did study it in 10th but now I have grown up and am in class 12th, why don't you grow up?
Now comes the tricky part. You won't face this partner in other subjects. In English, you will never be asked, "why Bassanio borrowed money from Ferdinand and went on to marry Miranda?"[1] (Though Shakespeare could argue what's there in the name but we won't buy that). The point is it's only Math who had nurtured this criminal.
Finally In Math exams. The sums are tough. The syllabus is infinite. And you forgot your calculator. Best combinations.
1.Characters from "Merchant of Venice" and "Tempest" plays by William Shakespeare.